Thursday 24 November 2022

Anuradha Sowmyanarayanan, Poetry 2022 Longlist

Bringing In A Sofa

On the floor, off the mat
We all sat, slept & ate
Flooring of mud but broom laid
Cream of cow dung applied.
Life was simple though not smooth
Bit of course with pins and needles
All of it took years of strain &pain
To have a floor of cement paste
Life became a little fine
With no fear for straw/ pine or rain.

After long years of earnings and savings
Came a glossy floor of mosaic
Squares of many laid across
Life began to show finesse and patio
With dearness and dare to dream
Aloof came a wind of betterment
Which brought with it a
Reflection of steps of success
A smooth finish of marble floor

Start of prosperity and a sign
Of sapling growing into a plant.
Attaining a growth visibly and not
Easy adding in an element of luxury
In the marble floor


Bringing in a sofa made of velvet
Like a beautiful craving brought out a rough stone
Hard work ways
Patience pays is what
Life says.

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