Thursday 24 November 2022

Amar Agarwala, Poetry 2022 Shortlist

 When Dusk Draws Nigh

Silence morphs the call of falling dusk

Gathering under fiery skies,

Stilled leaves in sombre silence hang

Moping at the darkness that plies.

Dusty paths the homebound cattle plod

Syrupy chirping of birds in flight,

Smoke from the earthen ovens pause

Wistfully staring at twilight.

Frenzied bats eke out their weary awls

Urging the evening star to wait,

To let moon lord overnight,

And muse over their morbid fate.

Wind over the placid river brings

Low tidings for cicadas to cry,

Fathom the fragrant moonflower will

Need endeavour to pacify.

When vigil of stark skeletal boughs

Stand mournful over the hooting owl,

And the mist like a wimple veils

The nocturnal creatures that prowl.

Those who lie in cemeteries stark

Berate the mausoleums old,

Affording them scant room to move

Adding to their ordeals untold.

Crimson dawn will pale the darkened sky

For light to lug another day,

Darkness would need wait again

For dusk to come upon its way.

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