Thursday 15 August 2019

Poetry 2019 Featured Poet, Jyotsna Jha

Stars on an Exile

Berated, celebrated
alive, coarse,
tenacious, cunning
aimless yet full of aims!
weary bodies and careful faces,
streets full of rude surprises:
grimy beggars sprawled on pavements,
painted children soliciting vulgar caresses.
straight roads, bright and monotonous,
endless mazes leading to nothingness,
buildings lined with age,
trees papermached with dust
smoke rising
from life-sucking homes,
neon lights blinking,
blinding the chocked sky,
sending the stars on an endless exile.      
I set out each morning to unearth myself
dwarfed by towering stony edifices,
nameless and obscure in a swathe of humanity,
this is where I lose and find myself each day,
my city, my consumptive home!


  1. if human life had the ability to acknowledge its mortality on daily basis , it would have made it presence pleasurable for self and others till it perishes and remembered afterwords in pleasant words....some how your lines reminds me of sahir’s lines sansar se bhaghe phirte ho bhaghwan ko kya tum paoge...
