Saturday 15 September 2018

Poetry 2018 Longlist, Bhupendra Kumar Dave

(Prayer written on behalf of minor girls who live in fear of molestation and rape.)

O God from birth till death
Let there be good light
For   I   want     my   path
All shining   and bright

Burn not thousand suns
Nor   a thousand moons
But light a candle for me
Carrying all worthy boons

With these celestial boons
Sparkling     in   my   life
Let me march with delight
Unto my death all my life

Darken not a single thought
As if moon shut from night
Put   not   my   soul, O God
In   lonely   cage   of   fright

For thoughts that darkness
Sprouts in   any   mind
Darkens the darkness more
For the entire mankind

Dark are the graves of men
With hopes all gone in dust
Darkened by the acts of dark
Bones too are laid to rust

Yet we place an earthen lamp
On the grave’s opaque cover
For the bodies without soul
Those   are   blind   for   ever

What use is of the light?
That we mortal create
What charm in lying low
In the coffin we rivet

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