Sunday 10 May 2020

Anila Mathew, Second Prize, Prose 500, 2020


One after the other, licked slowly, smoothly, almost seductively. Insatiable hunger billowed in the breathtakingly scenic locales. There was no human noise. No gunshots, no whizzing of arrows, no stretches of slingshots or stones, no roars of anger, no whimpers or pitiful cries, no shows of superior interference.

Most of the original dwellers had already fled or flown away in haste. The air grew thick with the smell of the sumptuous banquet. The lusty embrace literally sucked the soul out of lives.

The feasting dragon moved ahead without stopping to pause for even a moment. No force could resist its charm and secrets buried deep in history were divulged without hesitation. All surrendered before its magnetic vigour.

The insanely intelligent however, discussed, pondered, debated. The uncouth and uncivilized tried to protect the concealed treasure. The rulers were dismissive. After all, they had unleashed this roaring outsider. As long as it didn’t reach the palace grounds, it was free to roam and devour.

As few clamoured for protecting the ravishing beauty, there were rude rebukes and admonitions from the ruler and his faithful citizens.

More sympathetic voices arose from other fiefdoms. Yet, nobody was permitted to pry. Didn’t these incidents happen everywhere? Why sully the name of only one, when such shenanigans were commonplace? Words of all sorts flowed freely.

The passionate, one-sided affair meanwhile continues unabated. The blinkered humans callously turn their back on their mother, who has been trying to appeal to their scientific spirit. Her strength has begun ebbing out slowly.

Feeding human greed and avarice, majestic flora and fauna lay down their lives in charred heaps. Yet the fire to conquer, rages on.

The Tribune
Updated 31 August 2019, 00:10

Over 17% of the Amazon forest has been lost to deforestation.

1 comment:

  1. Intensely symbolic. Richly described, wonderful imagery. Passionately espousing the cause of environment conservation. The narrative unfolds smoothly...gets into its stride...good one.
