Monday 25 September 2017

Poetry 2017 Longlist Nupur Parakh

House of Madness
This house of madness is my home
Where thorns are worshipped
And darkness thrives
On a lonely long windy night
Fireballs come alive
They bring out the mystery in my eyes
Which lazy sleuths try to solve
A lane goes to the forbidden forest
Where my heart dwells forever
But they shut the gates
Because there could be dangerous beasts
And i can be two people now
The drunk who crosses the line at twelve
Or the loyal wife married to the guard
How can i explain myself
When all i see are the trees moving back
And there is no sign of destination
How can i tell i am harmless
When my tears betray my body
And show the scars yet to be healed
How can i find the cure
When i can't even understand
This disease of mine
I am addicted
To something deadlier than drugs
I am lost
Somewhere between snow and sea
I am flawed
In the most perfect way
My mind has become a house of madness
With walls to protect
What lies within
An empty box

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