Tuesday 1 September 2015

Poetry 2015, Third Prize Garima Behal


If thoughts had their geometry,
Would ours meet?
Like intersecting lines?
At some point
In a distant plane,
Mine abscissa, your ordinate,
And together, we
A bracket unto ourselves,
The definition of a full stop in eternity!

Or would they go parallel, still,
Even in those dimensions,
Like the asymptotes we are –
Never to meet, but to keep
Running together by each other’s side
Chasing infinity?

If thoughts had their geometry,
Would ours be confined between
Point A and point B
Like the two ends of one segment of a line?

Or would they grow exponentially,
Reaching out with wide, open arms
To embrace a forever that lasts;
And, extend, unhindered by
Distance, space, and time?

If thoughts had their geometry,
Could we build a circle out of ours?
A circle with no beginning or end,
But just an endless middle that melts
Unto its self…

If thoughts had their geometry,
Would this world be large enough?
A plane where we lay our thoughts down
Into words, characters, feelings, prayers, hopes –
Like plotting precision onto neat squares of graphs?

Or would we need a bigger area
To encompass them all?
An always up-surging curve
As thoughts tend to infinity?

If thoughts had their geometry,
Would Mathematics be richer, simpler?
Tell me, stranger, would it still
Not make sense to you?

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