Wednesday 10 September 2014

Poetry 2014 Longlist, Sinduri Vuppala

Broken Doors and Windy Lanes

Times churned, played their part;
spun a web of mysterious paths.
Took you on a high, plunged you on a drive;
Tumultuous notions created, all the
Improbabilities shoving you down.
All the pain, all the sadness
All that heartbreak over those
Never regaining blooms.
An indestructible threshold unnerved by your pleas,
Keeping you away, keeping you out.
Time to lift yourself up, turn away from those looming walls.
Broken carriages led till they went down,
Time to ride the bike down unknown windy lanes
Weave new threads and lay new ways.
My darling! There's a lot more to live
And suffice it all over again.  

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